Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. it becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom. And only when I smile that I can see the angel passing over ^o^
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Boat Cruise ! ^0^
和我们班的“F4”合影(他们看起来很衰吧,嘻嘻~~~从左到右是Mr Naive, 翔子,禽兽,候同学)
international friend!~~~但很郁闷~~~聊了好几次了,名字还是不记得~~每当他们满脸堆笑的叫唤着“xiaowei/shallwe”, 我就只好傻笑着“Hi, you! how was it going?”then start our conversation ~~~~
送我回家的朋友~~老毛病还是没改~就是找不着路,方向感极差, 可恶!
来自瑞典的 FEMALE PHD哦!强悍!
So international =P 被拖过去找的照片,所以不认识这些人……
Me, Ji Hong, Sandy! 笑嫣如花
我同学的host family,很好很好的一对台湾夫妇,最重要,也最让我激动得是Johnny是一个Architect 哦!!噢!!激动啊!他很热心帮我,也挺关心窝的情况,所以我才觉得西雅图,好人多多阿!
这是在开学前的FIUTS HOST FAMILY 感谢会上的朋友。来自Russia, 说话好特别哦!哈哈
我在中国认识的UW的朋友Sandley和她的妹妹,她们一家邀请我们去她家做客,丰盛的晚餐加上美味的cookie,哈哈哈哈,happy ~happy!!!!
感谢会上的精美糕点,哈哈哈,sweet!sweet! HAaaaaaaaaaap! hahaha ^0^
感谢会上我的host family以及和我“同居”了一个星期的另一位International student Alex,哈哈哈
Camping trip 的同居密友!